Technical Analysis
Utility rate applications are voluminous and complex. We uncover pertinent issues, analyze data, and present well-supported solutions in an understandable format. Our technical analysis goes beyond understanding the numbers to address the legal and regulatory guidelines governing the issues.
Expert Testimony
After the technical analysis is complete, it must be presented to decision makers in a clear, concise and understandable way. It must also be supported in detail by accurate workpapers and source documents. Drafting quality written testimony is an art and a science. Good written testimony must be detailed, accurate, and persuasive. When rate cases are litigated, we effectively communicate our positions through live testimony under cross examination.
Litigation Support
The technical issues related to utility cost recovery mechanisms are complex. Our understanding of the legal and technical issues gives us the tools to assist counsel with cross examination development and defense. We also assist counsel with understanding the details behind settlement offers in order to make well-informed recommendations to clients.